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Still Awake Completion - Gd
Featured Tab Level Collab Completion (stargaze Completion, 1 Coin) - Gd
Nightmare Completed (2nd Demon) - Gd
Wave Spamming At 120hz (retray) - Gd
Mime And Dash - Gd
Clubstep Completed (first Demon Ever) - Gd
Second Demon Completion On Mobile (speed Racer Completed With 3 Coins) - Gd
Wacky Completion - Gd
Fifth Demon Completion (the Lightning Road Completed On Mobile) - Gd
Arctic Alpine Completion - Gd
Sickest 2.2 Undertale-themed Level (spider Dance Completed, First Demon On Mobile) - Gd
The Level That Blows! (generation Retro) - Gd
Deadlocked 100% Gd
Xstep V2 Completion - Gd
Pixelthing Completion - Gd